Ansuz Sortz RCA Signature
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Ansuz Sortz RCA Signature – Enestående musikalsk raffinement
Ansuz Sortz RCA Signature er premium versionen, som er udstyret med alle de teknologiske elementer, der sikrer den høje effektivitet af Ansuz Sortz-produkterne. En anden forskel ved modellens kabinet er, at den har den eksklusive og akustisk optimerede Signature-belægning for at sikre den bedste musikalske ydeevne. Derudover er teknologien tilmed blevet cryogenbehandlet, som har vist sig at forbedre ledeevnen med 6-8%, og det har en hørbar effekt.
Hvis du ønsker naturlig og autentisk lyd, så er Ansuz Sortz Signature et absolut must. Ansuz Sortz kommer i forskellige varianter, men alle er udstyret med 2 anti-aerial resonance coils og en zirconium bar, som tager din lyd til helt nye højder. Ved brugen af Sortz vil du opleve en hørbar reducering af den luftbårne radiofrekvente støj, samtidig med at de nøje udvalgte materialer nedbringer resonanserne i den tilsluttende enhed. Med Ansuz Sortz vil musikken opleves mere dynamisk, renere og med en større klarhed.
Ansuz Sortz er tilgængelige i versionerne Regular, Supreme og Signature. Det karakteristisk for versionerne er, at deres lydmæssige egenskaber forbedres for hvert niveau, du bevæger dig op. Fordi teknologien er den samme, er forskellen ganske forudsigelig - du vil opleve at få mere af det hele, for hvert niveau du stiger.
Ansuz Sortz er tilgængelige i versionerne RCA, BNC, XLR, USB og LAN. Ring til vores specialister på +45 98 16 14 10, for at høre hvilken version der gør den største forskel for dit system.
Technologies and Components
Effective audible noise reduction. Ansuz Sortz is a termination plug for open input and output sockets. This innovative audio product is designed to audibly reduce disturbing noise that infiltrates any audio component through the open input and output sockets or through the ground connection. The Sortz feature Ansuz’s spearheading technologies that ensure effective grounding. Ansuz Sortz have incorporated two critical noise reduction technologies: the Tesla coil technology which reduces the ability of any audio component to pick up disturbing noise, and the anti-aerial resonance coil technology, which significantly reduces actual noise levels.
The Tesla coil principle
The key operating principle of the Ansuz Tesla coil is to have two coils wound in opposite directions – one coil and one counter coil. In Ansuz words, this is called “A double inverted coil”. The two coils both carry voltage, and when one of the Tesla coils encounters a voltage spike, a counter spike is activated to eliminate the noise. Since noise spikes are pure voltage carrying virtually no charge, the cancelation is quite good, but not perfect. Adding more Tesla coils in parallel, increases the noise cancellation and the perceived blackness in the music increases significantly along with the purity and clarity of the sound. Ansuz uses various types of Tesla coils, as their individual properties ideally complement and reinforce each other.
Anti aerial resonance coil technology
All cables and cable screens are acting like antennas for airborne RF noise which of course is a huge problem. The passive cable Tesla coil is wounded on the external part of the cable and protects the signal from absorbing the airborne RF noise. This noise is absorbed in the Tesla coil.
As there is a voltage running in the conductor itself, and it is wounded in the counter direction – this is used as the counter coil and the RF noise is then eliminated.
Ansuz Zirconium Bar
The material properties of this zirconium bar allow for unprecedented resonance control resulting in outstanding musical refinement that creates a natural soundstage, unrivalled in its purity, precision and attention to musical detail.
Cryogenic Treatment – Sortz
The Ansuz Sortz undergo a cryogenic treatment to increase their conductivity. When metal components undergo a cryogenic processing, they are subjected to extreme cooling temperatures of about -321°F (-196° C ). During this process, the crystal structure of the metal contracts more and more. Alloying elements are displaced from the grain structure of the metal, which now becomes very similar to a monocrystal. These structural changes in the metal have profound effects on its audio properties, resulting in a 6-8% increase in conductivity.
Surface treatment
The surface is further acoustically optimized by applying the Ansuz Signature coating. This coating is applied to the surface in a Hi-PIMS (High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering) machine to create the finest and most uniform layer of Zirconium and tungsten followed by a layer consisting of aluminium titanium nitride. Finally, the discs are coated with a layer of zirconium.
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