Naim NPX 300
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Naim NPX 300 - Optimeret kraft og ydeevne
Med den nye NPX300 strømforsyning fra Naim kan du opnå en endnu højere ydeevne fra 200-seriens kilder og forforstærkere. NPX 300 deaktiverer den interne strømforsyning, hvilket fører til en øjeblikkeligt reduktion af støjen, og giver en overlegen og renere strømforsyning. Muligheden for at opgradere gennem eksterne strømforsyninger er næsten rygraden i Naims designfilosofi, for den giver mindre interferens, vibrationer, større trafoer, større kondensatorbanker og en mere præcis regulering, som alt sammen giver dig bedre lyd fra dine komponenter.
Når du er oppe i high-end segmentet, så er nogle af de største forbedringer, du kan gøre, at opgradere strømforsyningen til dine komponenters kredsløb. Naim mener, at denne forbedring opnås bedst gennem lineære strømforsyninger, der er baseret på ringkernetransformatorer. Forskellen uden og med en NPX300 til dit system og, er som at gå fra en 6-cylinder til en 12-cylinder. Forskellen er som nat og dag, og den skyldes blandt Naims patenterede diskrete regulatorer, som sikrer en ultra præcis spændingsregulering og og ultra lavt støjniveau til dine komponenter. Naim NPX 300 er det perfekte match til den nye NSC 222, NSS 333 og NAP 250.
- Stor lineær strømforsyning med Naims patenterede DR-teknologi
- Førsteklasse komponenter
- 6 stk. Naim DR-moduler for en ultra præcis spændingsregulering
- Naims egne Burndy kabler til at forsyne NSC 222 er inkluderet i prisen
- Bagudkompatibel
- Kan forsyne f.eks. NDX, NDX 2 og NAC-N 272 via S-XPS Burndykabel
NPX 300 - Technology & design
The NPX 300 powers your system in a silent, fluid way, allowing the preamplifier to concentrate on its main task: controlling the signal. In addition to improving the performance of the NSC 222 preamplifier and streamer, the NPX 300 can be used to upgrade several Naim products, lending them immense flexibility over time. It is also possible to add two NPX 300 power supplies to a single preamplifier or a single source. The first can be dedicated to powering the digital sections, and the second to powering the analog sections.
Controlled power
The NPX 300 incorporates a new transformer, which works with six exclusive Naim power regulators (DR technology - Discrete Regulator), providing a cleaner power to your system. Less “noise” means a better sound! It works perfectly with the 200 Series products, and is also compatible with the NDX2 or even the NAC-N 272 – you just need the specific cables.
Inspired by the best
At Naim, all our choices are made with the aim of creating a unique emotional connection with music, and offering you the best products in their category. The NPX300 includes a certain number of innovations used on the flagship Naim 555PS DR power supply, such as the separation of the digital and analog power supplies via dedicated Burndy cables.
The story of Naim and aluminium
Our founder, Julian Vereker, immediately understood the many benefits of aluminium as a material for wrapping Naim electronic components. He knew that delicate audio components are very sensitive to the effects of magnetic fields, unstable temperatures, unwanted vibrations, etc. While other manufacturers were bending thin sheets of steel, Naim used thick plates of aluminium.
The Naim Classic range maximises this highly technical and durable approach, with aluminium housings rivalled only by Statement, our flagship product. Naim chose a superior-quality aluminium, which optimally combines thermal and microphonic properties. The front panels are treated with solid 20mm-thick aluminium billets; heat sinks frame the side panels and 5mm plates cover the top and bottom surfaces of the products. The aluminium is brushed, sandblasted and anodised to guarantee unalterable beauty throughout the product's life. The New Classic range can be immediately distinguished with one look and one touch, before the first note of music even plays.
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